(NSFW) Boob Cake and Penis Cake from My Human Sexuality Class

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Of all the times I should kick myself in the head, this time takes the cake (pun intended). I ran into some problems at work and while running programs and generating data for a deadline, I stayed late into the night on Monday and clean forgot about the FINAL class of my Human Sexuality course. Until I had a humongous "OH MY GOD" moment while zoning out on my daily commute this morning, 2 days after. No wonder, I felt that something was askew. How I got so clueless, I will never know. I felt so crushed because I was looking forward to it too!!!!

When my presentation partner Amanda featured the cakes that our instructor got for us, I was more bummed out about not being there. And the fact that it's cake. And I wasn't even there to take pictures of it, food whore that I am. So I will just have to write about it and get more depressed. Heck I don't even know what flavor it was or if it was yummy or not. So those of you who had it will have to fill me in.
*Update: Amanda says the cake is chocolate and all the candies were chocolate too. Imaginary Yumm!*
**Second update: I got the details of the bakery from Dr. K and here it is!

Sweet & Nasty
90 Massachusetts Avenue
Boston, MA 02115-1803
(617) 266-7171

(The Boob Cake I never had.)
(The Penis Cake I never had.)
(Both pictures courtesy of Amanda C.)
Both cakes made me giggle cos the color approximates flesh tones perfectly! That and we have multiple body-less genitalia floating around in space. Ok, cream.


Nic Hansen said...

Hah, you'll have to find out which adult bakery he got them at. Or did he make them?

Winnie said...

Hi Nicholas,
that's a good question. I might have to email him to get details :)
Will update accordingly.

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