Japanese Beef Curry

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

It has been looong time since I stop cooking Japanese style beef curry.  It is because you can enjoy  so many different kind of curries from different country if you live in the U.S, especially Boston. I have even tried to make these curries using recipe. However, I cooked a Japanese beef curry which my mom taught me how to cook this time. Here is the ingredients!!First you need to get fresh vegetables(Onions, Red/Yellow Bell peppers, carrots, potatoes, eggplants-whatever you like basically but it should be fresh!!) Next, I used a beef sirloin for this time. And then black pepper, cumin seed, curry paste, flour, red wine, chili pepper, and soy sauce are needed. The first time I cooked this curry with my mom was when I was 8 years old, so it is very simple and easy menu for beginners!


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