Wine and Cheese #7 at Tiffany's.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Like an underground foodie event, I finally had the opportunity to make w&c #7 because Tiffany and B hosted! I forgot if this was the complete list but just a peek at the wine list...

Here are the crusty, fresh baguettes from Clear Flour Bakey :)

Assembling part of the cheese and meat platters on some lovely stone tablets :) I love all of Tiffany's silver and crockery.

The theme for this w&c was "Not red, not white, but somewhere in between”.

From wiki, What are orange wines?
Orange wine is wine made from white wine grape varieties that have spent some maceration time in contact with the grape skins. Typically white wine production involves crushing the grapes and quickly moving the juice off the skins into the fermentation vessel. The skins contain color pigment, phenols and tannins that are often considered undesirable for white wines while for red wines, skin contact and maceration is a vital part of the winemaking process that gives red wines its color, flavor and texture. Orange wines get their name from the darker, slightly orange tinge that the white wines receive due to their contact with the coloring pigments of the grape skins. 
This winemaking style is essentially the opposite of rosé production which involves getting red wine grapes quickly off their skins, leaving the wine with a slightly pinkish hue. However in the case of Pinot gris, among  he more popular grapes to apply a skin-contact treatment that is neither red nor white, the diffuse nature of the term becomes illustrated, as both an orange wine and a rosé might achieve a similar expression of  pink/orange/salmon-colored wine.

Our wine and cheese tastings/pairings were as follows (courtesy of B): 

1) Ca’de Noci, Querciole, Vino frizzante bianco 2007, Italy. (The Wine Bottega $35)
Parmigiano Reggiano Cravero 2 yr (Formaggio’s Kitchen [FK]
$23.95/lb), Sopressata Piquante (FK $21.99/lb), Saucisson Sec
Basque (FK $20.99/lb), Salame Ligure (FK $11.99/lb)

2) Movia, Pinot Grigio 2005, Slovenia. (The Wine Bottega $28)
La Tur (Triple milk cheese, Piedmont, Central Bottle $9.50 each)

3) Mulderbosch, Cabernet Sauvignon Rose 2009, South Africa. (Boston Wine Exchange $12)
Strawberries, Moses Sleeper (Cow’s milk cheese, VT, FK $21.99/lb)

4) Isabel Mondavi, Deep Rose Cabernet Sauvignon 2009, Napa Valley. (Boston Wine Exchange $15)
Carboncino (Triple milk vegetable charcoal-covered cheese, Piedmont, Savenor’s $7.99 each)

5)Domaine Renardat-Fâche , Cerdon de Bugey, France. (The Wine Bottega $24)
Comté Grand Cru (30 months, Jura, FK $18/lb), Mast Brothers’ Dark Chocolate (Madagascar 72%) + Hazelnuts (Central Bottle $8), Seasonal Berries with Cream

Coming from our resident oenophile, B, I really was not disappointed with the choices of wine. She even compiled comprehensive tasting notes (not included here, may try asking for permission) that heightened my appreciation of the wines :) Although they were all really delicious, my favorites are highlighted above in green. We all agreed that the frizzante was the best we had! It was so tart and refreshing. If not for the pricy-ness, it would be my staple tabletop vino for sure. There were 2 roses, affectionately called the lady rose (3), and the manly rose (4). The Isabel Mondavi was my favorite, so while I do not profess to be a vino expert, I enjoyed the seductive notes of dark red fruit for its complexity vs the lighter lady rose. The Comte Grand Cru was so well-received, B and I got more to nibble on later :) We even brought it to Jess' roof-deck party. 

Had a great time with the girls and boys as always!


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