Dinner ala carte Buffet at Tung Lok Gallery, Singapore

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Tung Lok Gallery at East Coast, Singapore
Marine Cove
Building B 2nd Floor 1000
East Coast Parkway
Singapore 449876
Food (4.2/5.0)

Service (4.3/5.0)

Cousin Sam's family treated me to TL's ala carte dinner buffet (SGD 34.80 +++), but as you can, see, we ordered a spread. I didn't really have the patience to photograph ALL our dishes but will leave you a copy of the menu with the dishes we had in highlight.

First Round....
crispy caramelized baby squid. Delicious.
The entire menu after the jump.

Dinner Ala Carte Seafood Buffet

最少四位 Minimum Four Persons
Adult: $34.80++
Child: $19.80++ (below 10 years old)

6.30 pm to 10 pm
Not Applicable on Public Holidays and Sundays

Chef's Special Recommendation

  1. 金汤蟹肉翅 (每位只限一次)
    Braised Pumpkin Bisque
    with Shark’s Fin and Crab Meat

    (Limited to one serving per person)
  2. 辣椒螃蟹 (每席只限一次)
    Chilli Crab Ala Tung Lok
    (Limited to one serving per table)
  3. 白灼生虾 (每席只限一次)
    Poached Prawns served
    with Chef’s Special Sauce

    (Limited to one serving per person)
日 本 料 理 Japanese Cuisine
  1. 三文鱼刺身
    Salmon Sashimi
  2. 加州寿司卷
    California Maki
餐 前 小 食 Cold Cut and Appetizer
  1. 椒盐三文鱼头腩
    Deep-fried Salmon Fish Head and Belly
    with Salt and Pepper
  2. 金丝茄子条
    Deep-fried Eggplant with Chicken Floss
  3. 椒盐白饭鱼
    Deep-fried Silver Fish with Salted Pepper
  4. 香脆苏东仔
    Crispy-fried Baby Squids
  5. 香煎韭菜饺
    Pan-fried Chive Dumplings
  6. 脆皮斋春卷
    Deep-fried Vegetarian Spring Roll
  7. 皮蛋酸姜
    Preserved Egg with Japanese Pickled Ginger
  8. 卤水鸭翼
    Braised Duck Wings with Soy Sauce
  9. 烧味拼盘
    Barbecued Roast Meat Combination
海 鲜 / 鱼 类 Seafood / Fish
  1. 奶油麦片虾
    Deep-fried Prawns
    with Crispy Oats and Butter
  2. 泰式西汁凤尾虾
    Thai-style Deep-fried Prawns
    with Mayonnaise
  3. 三岜甜豆带子鲜鱿片
    Sautéed Scallops with Cuttlefish
    and Sweet Peas in Sambal Sauce
  4. 油浸笋壳鱼
    Deep-fried Marble Goby Fish
    with Chef’s Special Sauce
  5. 剁椒蒸泥罗红
    Steamed Red Tilapia Fish
    with Minced Pickled Chilli
  6. 姜葱生鱼片
    Sautéed Sliced Tioman Fish with
    Ginger and Onions
  7. 烧鱼酱炒啦啦
    Stir-fried Local Clams with Sambal Sauce
家 禽 肉 类 Poultry and Meat
  1. 脆皮吊烧鸡 (半只)
    Roast Chicken (Half)
  2. 宫保鸡球
    Stir-fried Diced Chicken with Dried Chilli
  3. 镇江排骨
    “Zhen Jiang” Stewed Pork Ribs
  4. 香滑东坡肉
    Braised “Dong Po” Pork Belly
  5. 日式烧汁炒牛肉
    Sautéed Shredded Beef with Barbecued Sauce
豆 腐 / 蔬 菜 类 Beancurd / Vegetables
  1. 鱼香茄子煲
    Braised Spicy Eggplant with Minced Pork
    in Claypot
  2. 上汤蒜子浸苋菜
    Poached Chinese Spinach with Garlic
  3. 马来风光
    Sambal Kang Kong
  4. 蒜茸炒香港白菜苗
    Sautéed Hong Kong Baby Cabbage with Garlic
汤,羹 Soup and Bisque
  1. 野菌菇冬央汤
    Tom Yam Soup with Assorted Mushrooms
  2. 竹笙海鲜羹
    Braised Seafood Bisque with Bamboo Fungus
饭 面 类 Rice and Noodle
  1. 干烧伊府面
    Braised "Ee-fu" Noodles
  2. 星州炒米粉
    Fried Vermicelli with Sliced Prawns,
    Shredded Meat and Beansprouts
  3. 榄菜虾粒炒饭
    Fried Rice with Prawns
    and Preserved Vegetables
  4. 蒸或炸馒头
    Steamed or Deep-fried Bun
甜 品 / 甜 点 心 Desserts / Sweet Dim Sum
  1. 药材龟苓膏
    Chilled Herbal Jelly served with Honey
  2. 杨枝甘露
    Chilled Mango Cream with Sago and Pomelo
  3. 红豆沙
    Sweetened Red Bean Cream
  4. 雪糕夹心松软酥点
    Ice-cream Puff
  5. 擂沙汤丸
    Glutinous Rice Dumpling with Sesame Filling
  6. 豆沙窝饼
    Red Bean Pancake
Chinese Tea is chargeable at $1.00 and Pickles at $0.50 per person.
Prices subject to service charge and applicable taxes.
Not valid with other promotions, discounts, special offers, vouchers and/or privilege cards.
Note: Wastage of food is chargeable.
All orders will be on first-come-first serve basis, while stock lasts.


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