Fruits Tart~It is hard to make custard cream!!!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

I have tried to make a fruits tart one day. I could bake a pie nicely and could slice fruits beautifully. So everything was ready!...that I thought. But "NO!" of course not! I forgot a most challenging process to make a fruits tart.  It is custard cream!  I have tried many recipes using eggs, custard sugar, and vanilla essence or vanilla tree(?), but I could never make a tasty custard cream, so far. Anyway, when I made this fruits tart, custard cream was OK but not good enough...
I wish if anyone who is good at making custard cream teach me how to make a TASTY custard cream. 
One day I hope I can make a fruits tart of Pastiche. One of my very good friend told me that the best fruits tart in the world(?) is Pastiche's. To tell the truth, I have not had one yet, but am planning to taste it pretty soon!! Please check it out!


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