My Small, Girly, Curvy, Yellow Microplane

Sunday, April 25, 2010

(Picture from here)

I finally got myself a microplane! It's this Ultimate citrus grating tool and as usual I was influenced by B and V, who cannot say more good things about it. Incidentally, different microplanes can be used for other things like cutting ribbons etc. While shopping with the girls, I was seduced by a smaller, girlier, Curvier and Yellow version of the microplane. Its also helps to score citrus and allows you to make citrus curls ala garnishing cakes and drinks like martinis. The curling bit was the deal-breaker for me. How cute and adorable!
However, after tearing away at the packaging (that means no more returning!), I noticed a design flaw (or 2). The microplane embedded in plastic and this plastic frame is connected to the comfortable rubber handle. Grating is hardly a gentle sport and if I weren't careful (just trouble-shooting), wouldn't the plastic bit break? Grrrrr.. And then I went to Amazon reviews and saw that indeed other users HAVE broken theirs. Drat. I should have gotten the manlier, utility version instead.
OR.... I can use her like the way she was designed to be used--Gently, like a Girl. fml.
(But just in case you want to give me something on my wishlist....:P)


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